Recently, one of our consultants found what looked to be a great candidate to put forward for a great role. As with all our potential placements, we thoroughly check them out from top to toe, and these days, that certainly includes their social media presence. For this particular candidate, it was their social media activity that ended their application for this particular role, and essentially pushed them to the bottom of the pile. Now, this might sound a little harsh, but it’s a really stark reminder of the importance of keeping your social media profiles, and with them, your personal brand, in great condition during any job searching. We thought it wise to share some advice on making sure that your social media presence doesn’t let you down when you’re trying to land that dream job.
Do google yourself
And google thoroughly. So many candidates forget about random social media platforms they joined years ago which can come back to haunt them. So while you can go through the profiles you know about, doing a thorough google search will uncover any you might have forgotten.
Don’t post inappropriate photos
We all go to parties and have big nights out and that’s fine – it doesn’t always equate to inappropriate photos appearing on your profiles. Sometimes, however, it does. So be vigilant, and scour through not only your own photos, but photos others have tagged you in. Make sure they represent you in a way that you would not be ashamed to show a recruiter or a potential employer. You can ask for opinions from your recruitment consultant, or if you’re not with an agency, use the rule ‘if in doubt, leave it out’ and delete/change settings for any photos you aren’t sure about. Pay attention to memes as well.
Don’t be too controversial
It’s fine to participate in topical discussions online. In fact, it can be something that demonstrates your knowledge about a subject very effectively. Just be careful not to ‘feed the trolls’ as it were, and get drawn into petty arguments, as too often happens on social media. Choose your platforms – LinkedIn is generally the best place for well-balanced debates. Don’t say anything you’d be unsure of saying in an interview should a similar discussion arise.
Do proof
It might seem an insignificant point but it’s a big-hitter when it comes to how you are perceived by others. Spelling and grammar mistakes jump off the screen and really do you an injustice when it comes to how you’re perceived by others.
Don’t badmouth past employers or colleagues
It’s not just the interview you shouldn’t do this in, it’s everywhere. No matter how bad your experience was, rather talk about it with family or friends and leave it there. Do not commit anything to writing. It will not benefit you in any way.
Don’t be over-active
You need to be pretty active, but especially if you are job hunting while still in employment, don’t spend an overly large amount of time on social media or you risk making it look as though that’s what you do all day.
It might sound as though job searching means you have to seriously censor yourself, and in a way, it does. You have to weigh up what is more important – looking like the perfect candidate or posting last week’s crazy party pics? #nobrainer