Financial Accountant
White Female
Availability: 30 days
R720k per annum
She comes across as confident and engaging, and entirely authentic and down to earth. As a recently qualified CA(SA) who completed her articles within a Big4 audit firm, she was lucky enough to have a wide variety of clients which included smaller companies. I say lucky because she feels more inclined toward working in a non-corporate business environment so her broad exposure makes her transition into an SME or large privately owned entity quite smooth. When discussing her strengths, she believes that her honesty and transparency stand out as her defining inherent characteristics. She believes she has well-developed communication skills, and her glass-half-full nature allows her to remain resilient and focus on all the positives in a high-pressure situation that is only a quarter of the way to a resolution. She considers herself to be technically solid with a healthy appetite for further personal and professional development. On that front she is completing a Financial Modelling and Valuations course and training to participate in the 2025 Ironman Challenge. She is keen to pursue accounting and analytical opportunities in the commercial sector that will contribute to her long-term goal to work in financial management.
For further details please contact your personal CA consultant, alternatively please email | 082 542 3756
Ref No 110238
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Financial Accountant