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Junior Private Equity Analyst

Eligible to register CA(SA)

White Male

Availability: Calendar month

R600k per annum 

Impressive and friendly Big4 articled and soon to be registered CA(SA) candidate with Financial Services client exposure largely in asset management and insurance, is looking to embark on their career outside of audit in 2024. This candidate has a keen interest in the private equity and corporate finance space, as he has had audit experience with unlisted investments and private equity funds valuations and has already started upskilling himself with a financial modelling course. He believes his strengths lie in his people skills, that he is task orientated and detail orientated. He has a willingness to learn and comes across as a good team player and focused individual.

For further details please contact your personal CA consultant, alternatively please email | 082 777 9021
Ref No 121897

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Junior Private Equity Analyst

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