6 Body Language Mistakes You Need To Stop Making Now

Apr 27, 2017 | Blog, Interviews

Photo credit: www.n8trainingsystems.com

Photo credit: www.n8trainingsystems.com

Being aware of your body language is crucial in almost every social or professional situation you will find yourself in. Of course, we know the basics – don’t fold your arms, don’t avoid eye contact and so on, but what other body language mistakes might you be making without even realising it? Here is some advice on body language in job interviews to be aware of and avoid in the future.

A weak handshake

There is nothing worse than a weak handshake, especially when meeting someone for the first time. In an interview situation it is particularly important to make that greeting handshake a good one. It’s all about creating a great initial impression in those first few minutes as it will set the tone for the rest of the interview.


This tends to be more of a problem as an interview goes on. To begin with, it’s quite easy to remember to sit up straight. However, as time drags on, and if you’re a serious sloucher in your normal life, you might find yourself relaxing a little and forgetting your posture. Finding a way to keep yourself in check can be tricky, but practicing at home before your interview can help. Some candidates report visualising a string that connects their head to the ceiling to help them sit up straight throughout an interview. Others use the back of the chair (providing the chair has a straight back) to gauge when they’re getting too relaxed.

Nodding (too much)

Nodding during an interview can make you seem attentive, confident and approachable. Nodding too much can not only make you look over-enthusiastic but it can actually put interviewers off track which will just annoy them. Don’t feel under too much pressure to react to every word spoken – it’s your interview and you’ll get your chance to answer every question in full. Using appropriate eye contact is often enough to ensure your interview knows they have your undivided attention.

Looking down, looking at your watch, looking at the clock, looking at the door…

We don’t need to tell you how important eye contact is, but what about your gaze direction too? When you’re in the interview room, the only things you should be looking at are the people-shaped, talking ones straight ahead of you.


Seems an obvious one but it’s surprising how many interviewers report back about a candidate fidgeting during an interview. Whether it’s because of nerves or just simply forgetfulness that you find yourself fidgeting during interviews, do what you can to minimise the chances. If you’re a hair twirler, make sure it’s tied up for the interview. If you’re a watch-toucher, don’t wear one to the interview. If you’re a hand-wringer, keep them gently clasped in your lap. Being aware of what you tend to do when you fidget will help you find a solution for it.

Moving too much

Now, we’re not suggestion that you emulate a mannequin, but moving around too much during an interview can make you appear as though you overdid it with the coffee that morning. It’s distracting for your interviewers, who are trying to concentrate on your responses to their questions. As well as this, it can elicit some other undesirable body language from you, such as leaning back when a question is asked – not a confident look.

A little forethought and practice can go a long way to ensuring that your body language doesn’t let you down during an interview. If you’re not sure how you tend to present yourself, ask the people who know you best if you have any quirks to be mindful of. Don’t let body language ruin the potential for a successful interview.